Sunday, July 15, 2007

Upcoming Workshops

Journey Cards
Friday evenings, 6pm-8pm
August 10th ~ September 4th

A fellow therapist and I came up with this unique series designed to help you delve into your shadows and support you on a path of self discovery..
Participants use collage techniques to create deck of cards from found images, collected photos and personal mementos; each card representing aspects of your personal journey. These cards will become a powerful tool for exploring your path, and the questions encountered along the way

4 sessions $75. all materials provided

Wicked Sock Creatures
Friday, September 29th 12:30pm~4:30pm
A few odd socks, a vivid imagination, and rudimentary sewing skills are all that are required to create a genuinely unique and delightful stuffed creature.
Perhaps their most enduring function is to give physical form to our inner experience, puppets remains, in every culture, a powerful tool for illuminating the shadows and liberating your inner self
Take this opportunity to sit down with your inner demons for a little chat.
Please bring 2 or more sacrificial socks, as well as any embellishments you would like to use.
tuition: $35

Contact the studio for more information,
be sure to register early, space is limited and workshops fill quickly.
503.260.6974 *

Two Hands Studio Workshop Offerings, Summer Solstice to Autimn Equinox

Upcoming Workshops

Mask Making Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, July 14th & 15th 12:30pm~4:30pm
Believing the world to be ruled by spirits and supernatural beings, every culture, has created masks and myths. Shamen make their masks as representations of their journey to and from the spirit world and evoke the aid of particular spirits for the benefit of an individual, or the community as a whole. Mask making holds the potential for exploring inner imagery and creative resources which we cannot access in an ordinary way. It is working without a preconceived notion of the end result that opens us to discover "something else" about ourselves.
tuition: $135

Personal Alters & Shrines
Sunday July 29th Noon-5pm
Through the process of assemblage and collage, you will create a shrine or altarpiece of your own design. The theme or inspiration for your shrine could be a archetype who’s qualities you aspire to bring into your own life; or you may want to honor someone or something that has been important to you and has supported you on your life journey.

Bring embellishments of personal meaning to you (photos, magazine pictures, game pieces, keys, feathers, decorative papers etc. ) and a lunch. You will transform your collection into a beautiful and meaningful shrine. Space is limited, register early.
tuition: $40

Journey Cards
Friday evenings, 6pm-8pm August 10th ~ September 4th
This unique series combines elements of The Artist's Way, the tradition of Tarrot cards, mythology, and art therapy. Participants will create collages from found images, collected photos and personal mementos, representing their personal archetypes in the form of cards that will make up a deck. These cards will become a powerful tool for exploring our personal journey, and the questions we encounter along the way
4 sessions $60

Wicked Sock Creatures
Friday, September 14th 12:30pm~4:30pm
A few odd socks, a vivid imagination, and rudimentary sewing skills are all that are required to create a genuinely unique and delightful stuffed creature.
Perhaps their most enduring function is to give physical form to our inner experience, puppets remains, in every culture, a powerful tool for illuminating the shadows and liberating your inner self
Take this opportunity to sit down with your inner demons for a little chat.
Please bring 2 or more sacrificial socks, as well as any embellishments you would like to use.
tuition: $35

Contact studio for more information,
please register early, class size is limited and workshops fill quickly.
503.253~8990 *